General Information

A comprehensive information package with step-by-step instructions on how to register as a limited partner was sent to all eligible First Nations by e-mail on August 12, 2019 and September 16, 2019. To date 194 of the eligible 198 First Nations are registered into the partnership. For more detailed information on registration please refer to the information package and to the Frequently Asked Questions section of this website.

If you are an eligible First Nation and did not receive your information package, please send an e-mail to with the name of your band and updated contact information.

Revenue Sharing Model Backgrounder

The British Columbia gaming revenue sharing model distributes First Nations’ share of Provincial gaming revenue through a limited partnership owned and controlled by British Columbia First Nations. The Partnership receives and distributes revenues to the limited partners and monitors their compliance with use of funds and with reporting and auditing requirements with the assistance of an independent, third-party accounting firm. Flexibility is a core feature of the British Columbia model, with built-in provisions to allow the model to adapt over time as First Nations’ needs, values and desires evolve over the 25-year term of the Revenue Sharing Agreement.
Read the full backgrounder on the revenue sharing model here.

Covid 19 Resources

BC First Nations Gaming Revenue Sharing Partnership - COVID 19 Update

First Nations Leadership Council - Emergency resource site

First Nations Public Service Secretariat - COVID 19

BC First Nations Gaming Revenue Sharing GP - COVID 19 Plan

Cultural Resources

Pronunciation Guide to First Nations in British Columbia (Dialects may differ)

Community Planning Resources

Below are examples of community planning for the purpose knowledge sharing at the consent of the communities:

Kwadacha Strategic Plan