Storyteller’s Corner: Nisga’a Village of Laxgalts’ap


Nisg̱ a’a Village of Lax̱ g̱ alts’ap

Lax̱ ̱galts’ap, B.C. - Monday June 24, 2024: Community members in the Nisg̱ a’a Village of Lax̱ g̱ alts’ap gathered in celebration today to witness the official opening of a state-of-the-art recreation and leisure park for all ages.

The afternoon ceremonies included a traditional naming and blessing by four sigidimhaanaḵ’ calling the official name Ank’idaa Community Park. Lax̱ gibuu Sigidimnaḵ’ Ḵ’amksisilkw (Sylvia Stephens), Lax̱ sgiik Sigidimnaḵ’ Diiks (Elsie Campbell), G̱ anada Sigidimnaḵ’ W’ii-t’ax̱ An’un (Teena McKay) and Gisḵ’aast Sigidimnaḵ’ Ax̱ dii Wil T’aa (Vivian Leeson) each called the name followed by a prayer and blessing of the park grounds by Sim’oogit Ni’isy̓ uus (Willard Martin).

The approximate $2.1M project was made possible through funding provided by the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine, BC First Nations Gaming Revenue and Lax̱ g̱ alts’ap Village Government education and human services program dollars.

The park features an outdoor basketball court, splash park, playground, elders fitness, gathering gazebo, walking loop and public rest rooms. The many features will ensure families and children of all ages can have a fun and leisurely visit.

The park will be open daily from 10:00am to 10:00pm and to ensure the safety and well-being of all users, the park is equipped with 24-hour surveillance cameras throughout the grounds.

The last phase of completion will be asphalt paving of the parking lot and walking loop scheduled to be completed in mid-July.

We encourage all community members and visitors to enjoy this new community facility in the spirit of fun and with utmost respect so that it may last for generations to come.

Lax̱ g̱ alts’ap Village Government wishes to express its gratitude to the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine, McElhanney, Noble5Creek and Parkworks for all of their work to make this community vision a reality.